Monday 10 October 2011


Piles are caused due to over exerting oneself during a bowel movement. They are swollen areas of skin and blood vessels around the anus. They develop around the external opening of the anus. They are highly innervated and sensitive and are also at risk for thrombosis. They develop around the external opening of the anus. Internal piles occur above the pectinate or dentate line in the anal canal. They are covered by a mucous membrane. The internal pile is graded to assist with the selection of a treatment plan. The treatment is then provided according to the grade. The grade of the piles depend on the extent of descent into the anal canal and out of the anus. The most common sign of internal pile is rectal bleeding. Piles can ooze fresh red blood, whether located externally or internally. But bleeding internal piles may produce fresh blood in the stool.

Reasons for bleeding internal piles

Piles can develop from any common sources of pressure include like
a) Constipation and extra straining of the bowel.
b) Diarrhea, where the expulsion of loose stools is continuous.
c) Sitting or standing for prolonged hours
d) Obesity e) Lifting very heavy weights or objects
f) Pregnancy and childbirth

How to deal with bleeding?
Internal Piles
a) Consult a doctor immediately. If you have been suffering from bleeding internal piles then inform him if your bleeding is not stopping. If you are not aware of why you are bleeding then go for a check up as more than often anal fissure is mistaken for bleeding internal piles.
b) Wipe yourself with clean wet toilet paper. Wetting the paper makes it softer.
c) Ask for emergency care if you notice large amounts of rectal bleeding along with dizziness or faintness.

Treatments for bleeding internal piles:
If the bleeding is not stopping with prescribed medicines the doctor may recommend
a) Rubber band ligation- Here one or two tiny rubber bands around the base of an internal piles to cut off its circulation and the piles falls off.

b) Sclerotherapy- In this process a chemical solution is injected around the blood vessel to shrink the piles.
c) Laser treatment- A burst of infrared light can cut off circulation to small, bleeding, internal piles.
d) Hemorrhoidectomy- This is the last resource if other procedures fail. Here the surgery is done with either local anesthetic combined with sedation, and requires an overnight hospital stay.
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What Treatment For Piles Works Best? - An Inside Look at Piles Treatments
If you've ever had a case of hemorrhoids/piles, then you know how frustrating and painful they can be. It's a condition that many people suffer with and don't go for help for due to being embarrassed about it. However, if left untreated, the condition can become extremely serious and lead to surgery being needed.
Today we're going to show you how hemorrhoids/piles can be treated and the different options that are available. As you can imagine, some are better than others, so let's get to it!
First, you can find all sorts of creams and ointments in the drugstores. The ointments is applied to the area and aims to soothe the blood vessels and reduce any inflammation. Although these can provide some temporary relief for people with less serious cases, these creams do not actually address the problem and you are likely to have the hemorrhoid/piles flare up again.
Another treatment option is the use of a suppository. Here, the suppository is inserted into the rectum and then is supposed to provide moisture and a level of lubrication to the hemorrhoid/piles. The goal is to provide enough moisture to allow the affected area to heal before it ruptures again.
There are also pills that can be taken in order to attempt to regulate blood pressure and tighten vein tissue in the hemorrhoid/piles. These pills can have side effects and it is questionable how well they actually address the problem.
These are the three most common treatments prescribed by doctors and the medical community. In reality, they are not all that effective, especially for more advanced cases. Often they only provide temporary relief as opposed to actually curing the problem.
Unfortunately, most patients never hear about natural treatments that they can use to heal hemorrhoids/piles. There are natural, side-effect free ways to effectively cure hemorrhoids that doctors fail to mention as they are so used to prescribing drugs. In my opinion Venapro is the best one to get permanent relief from Piles/Hemorrhoids.  It is fully natural.
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Curing the Hurt of Painful Hemorrhoids

One health issue people are talking more and more about these days are the horribly painful hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids consist of irritated veins surrounding the anus. When agitated they are known to bleed, become itchy and sometimes burst. Hemorrhoid pain can be very discomforting and if not treated in a timely manner they will only become worse over time and harder to cure. With today's medicines there are many ways to treat them and give temporary relief. Many people take a more natural and herbal route, while others use medicated creams and suppositories.

Some solutions to this problem are to not strain while using the toilet. As hard as this may seem, straining can cause more serious problems like tearing of the soft tissue in the anal area. It would be best to just relax and let your body excrete natually in the care and treatment of hemorrhoid.

Stool softeners are usually used to prevent hard stools which can cause more pressure on the internal hemorrhoid. There are many types of stool softeners available. The most common are suppositories that are inserted directly into the anus. They usually have an immediate effect and are given within good proximity of a toilet. Oral suppositories are usually taken to help in regulating the digestive system and to help prevent constipation

Although keeping your diet under control helps ease the pain, it does not always make the hemorrhoid or the pain go away. There are many natural herbs that people have found help not just ease but often cure painful hemorrhoids. Witch hazel is a liquid that is softly rubbed on the area to lessen the swelling. Butchers broom is another herb known for contracting and strengthening the veins. Ginkgo biloba improves blood flow and lessens the swelling. a final herb known for calming the irritation is mullein. Each of these herbs can be found at a local GNC or vitamin store.

The first step to curing hemorrhoids is first easing the symptoms. Keeping the area clean and maintaining a healthy diet can help calm the painful hemorrhoids. Most additional discomfort comes from constipation, a good diet of fiber, fruits and veggies can lessen the pressure. In addition to cleaning the area, warm sitz baths and heating pads have been known to also relieve the swelling and itching.

The last option for relief of the pain and discomfort that hemorrhoids causes is purchasing an over the counter hemorrhoid treatment called Calmovil. Calmovil has been shown to shrink hemorrhoids by dissolving blood clots and strengthening weakened veins, while also relieving itching, and calming the digestive system. Calmovil is an all natural pill which is easy to take. Calmovil is quite effective in both relieving hemorrhoid discomfort as well as improving the hemorrhoid recovery process speed.

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